Be a One Minute Coach: Fix Behavior the Way You Want It to Be
June 11, 2013

We can’t change basic personalities, but we can alter behavior if we are proactive in dealing with both negative and positive instances. We have the right and the responsibility to form our companies with the values and a culture to which we subscribe. Why let our company drift toward values that we do not believe in? One minute coaching can be a valuable tool if we learn to practice it regularly.

Change Your Sales Attitude
June 11, 2013

If you believe the prospects and customers hold all of the power, this blog is for you. You are stronger than you think you are and more valuable than you give yourself credit for. Read more in this week's blog by Bill Farquharson.

Exponential Sales
June 11, 2013

Listening is critical, understanding what you heard is also critical. But asking the correct questions, and understanding the needs of your customer and prospect base on a regular basis are the most critical of all. You may not like what you will hear, but at least you will be advised of any concerns before you discover that your customers have left the building.

What Does Your Brand Stand For?
June 7, 2013

Start rebranding efforts by brainstorming a list of attributes for which you want to be known, narrowing down those attributes to just a few, then developing brand elements based on these attributes.

The Value of Taking (and Returning) Phone Calls
June 6, 2013

We are no longer in the printing business but indeed are in the communications business. The way we communicate with everyone defines our brand. Not getting back to people, even if it is to say “no thanks” is bad communications and hurts your company’s brand.

Understanding Artisan Entrepreneurs
June 5, 2013

According to the Future of Small Business Report, “The next 10 years will see a re-emergence of artisans as an economic force.” These artisan entrepreneurs are not just bakers and chocolate makers, they’re designers, authors, manufacturers of small but exclusive lines of luxury items, niche consultants, life coaches...the list goes on.

Location, Location, Location.
June 5, 2013

This blog will discuss three ways to help open the door to customer communications. Some of this might seem a bit out of the box, but these days, standing out from the hungry pack of PSP/MSP wolves takes some doing. At the end of the day, you want to be the place they call home.

When to STOP Overcoming the Objection
June 4, 2013

I am a blackhole for bad customer service. I’ve known this ever since I was young. If there is a customer service disaster waiting to happen, it is waiting for me to find it. Such was the case when I called the The Boston Globe to temporarily cancel my Sunday newspaper subscription.

What You Win People With Is What You Win Them TO!
June 3, 2013

In an effort to sell their product, many companies endeavor to WIN people with great marketing campaigns that use slick ads, but containing a mountain of hype. It's frustrating, when you buy into that hype, only to find you've been duped, and that the real value of their product is far less than advertised.

To Rebrand or Not to Rebrand?
May 31, 2013

Rebranding means reintroducing your brand to the marketplace, and isn’t a task you should undertake lightly. This week's blog covers when (and when not to) launch a company rebranding effort.