God Is in the Details
May 23, 2013

Being in a service business like we all are in, accuracy is not only expected, it is absolutely vital to our survival. And a lack of it can not only lose you customers, but it can destroy your business. And the scariest thing about this is that it might happen and you won’t even know it.

Would You Buy from YOU?
May 23, 2013

This week, I have an example of the confidence, not cockiness, it takes to be successful in sales. Take a cornerback in football. The cornerback, like a salesperson, is an island on to themselves. This means it is a lonely position.

A Hiring Tool That Works
May 23, 2013

If you have not used the Printing Impressions job posting site on PIworld.com, I recommend you give it a try. I recently assisted one of our franchise members with recruiting a production manager, and we used the site. Within two weeks of posting the job, we received more than 40 resumes.

Good News: Your Client Just Closed
May 21, 2013

What if I told you your biggest account would shut down in 30 days and further, what if I added that this was GOOD news? Read Bill Farquharson's blog for an explanation.

Some Sage Business Advice from James Schrager
May 21, 2013

At the University of Chicago Booth School of Business’ Management Conference last week, I had the pleasure of attending one more lecture by James Schrager, clinical professor of entrepreneurship and strategic management. In his lecture, Schrager presented a very simple tool to analyze our business success.

That Hands-in-the-Air Feeling
May 20, 2013

Isn't growth good in a business? Doesn't growth give you extra resources to hire more employees to take on some of the workload? My answer is YES and NO.

More Tips for Creating Compelling Online Videos
May 17, 2013

Use video content to explore what makes your printing company different—you could spotlight key employees, highlight a unique production process, or illustrate your company’s storied past (and exciting present and future)—through a brief company history video. Viewers will connect with your brand when they learn about and identify with the names, faces, and ideas that make your company so exceptional.

How Smart is Your Brand Strategy?
May 17, 2013

Most brand marketing programs include a value positioning statement such as “Here’s who we are” or “Here’s why we’re important” or “Here’s what you can learn from us.” Although those thoughts generally describe your brand and the overall ideas of it, they make it harder for your customers and prospective customers alike to understand the main idea of your brand.

Are You Clear Enough?
May 16, 2013

When you communicate you must be sure your words do not give off the message that you are angry or upset. (Unless you actually are!) Clarity is what will keep your clients coming back to you for their needs and will make your communications more effective. It is frustrating to speak to someone and have no clue what they said. Humans are inherently social, but our lack of clarity is hampering many businesses.

It’s Not About YOU!
May 15, 2013

Many of the heavy hitters out there who have been earning big six-figure commissions for decades have some pretty big egos. And maybe in some part they have earned it, if in fact an ego can BE earned. At any rate, it is understandable that a person would think quite a lot of himself if he were so successful for such a long time.