Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Lazy Man LinkedIn
November 19, 2013

When someone sends me a Lazy Man LinkedIn request and it requires my thinking of who they are, how I know them, if I have ever met them and more, it likely that I will not connect with that person.

Cannibalize Print to Grow Bigger
November 18, 2013

If we buck the trend that makes business sense for our customers, sooner or later they will see us as aging dinosaurs and will find other partners that are more progressive. Investments are always necessary to keep your products and services in growth mode.

Giants Satisfy Urge to Converge
November 15, 2013

Such a strange industry! Heidelberg and Fujifilm announce a collaboration, and most people I know within the industry did not even know about it. This collaboration is as much a manufacturing and idea convergence as media convergence is the future route to find consumers’ buying sweet spot.

Good Strategy Starts with a Question
November 15, 2013

The old tools of pushing out brand messaging and hoping someone will pay attention and seek out your company are gone. From now on knowing what your customers are asking should determine where your company goes next. And that starts with the right question.

Drive More Targeted Traffic to Your Website with SEO Best Practices
November 15, 2013

This week, Marka continues demand generation discussions by showing the tribe how implementing SEO best practices can help FEI drive more targeted traffic to their Website, a crucial first step of demand generation efforts. Remember, fire = print.

The Paperkut Business Card (Includes Video)
November 13, 2013

This week, features the Paperkut Business Card, a fun, interactive and three-dimensional, business card from designer Tommy Perez. The business card takes a "business in the front, party in the back" approach—using duplex laminated stock, with white in front and a variety of color in the back.

Why Your Sales Meetings Suck
November 12, 2013

Foreheads hitting desks during sales meetings should be a sign: You need to do something. Bill Farquharson has some thoughts on that subject.