Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Are You Leading Your Industry or Following It?
October 18, 2013

Once a company’s planning committee understands how to drive long-term growth, it will never go back to short-term cost-cutting methods because they understand that these same expenses will reoccur in the not so distant future!

An Unconventional Undergarment Catalog (Includes Video)
October 16, 2013

This week, features the catalog for the yet to be launched NOE undergarments. The lines inspiration, a unique combination of the hard lines of cityscapes and feminine fluidity, calls for an unconventional marketing approach.

5 Things to Learn from Lionel Richie
October 16, 2013

As luck would have it, Lionel Richie went on tour recently, and I was fortunate enough to surround myself with the kind of people happy to take in his show. And as I was rocking out to All Night Long and Dancing on the Ceiling, it occurred to me that we all have a lot to learn from Dear Lionel.

Why Choose Sales?
October 15, 2013

Need a reminder of why you went into sales? Or maybe you are thinking about making the jump and need to know that you aren't crazy after all. This week's blog from Bill Farquharson is for you!

One Shalt Remember These Words
October 15, 2013

How many times have we said something we wish we would not have? How many instances have we written something that we later regret? How often have we acted in a manner in which we wished we could have a “do over?” I know I have had these situations in my life and so have you. Why? We are human.

The Generic Voice Mail - Short Attention Span Webinar
October 11, 2013

Voicemail can be used as a unique sales opportunity and as a branding tool to promote a product or service. This week, Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi share a few tips when leaving a voicemail.

Discover the Value of White Papers
October 11, 2013

Last week Fire Enterprises (FEI) Marketing Tribe Leader Marka taught rookie customer-service rep Aetius how to create an excellent “baseline study” in advance of a case study. This week, Marka shows Aetius how white papers can function as effective informational pieces for B2B companies.

If You Live in the Past It Can Cost You the Future
October 11, 2013

This is a new world that demands you know what your market wants and can deliver it in new ways using new strategies that grab attention and close business. Living in the past is one of the most massive mistakes any individual or organization can make.