Business Management - Marketing/Sales

The Secret Power of Razzleberry
January 15, 2014

A colored sheet makes a marvelous base for a number of outstanding marketing pieces—and I am not talking fluorescent, eye-catching fliers that announce your next garage sale.

On Happiness and Why I Wear a Uniform
January 15, 2014

If there is anything you can do to simplify your own life, by all means please do it. And you don’t have to wait to do it either! Embrace the mundane! Go get a stack of white shirts!

Conflict and the Family Business
January 14, 2014

When the very future and family members of your printing company are not on the same page, what should you do? Simple; call an expert that specializes in human relations, conflict resolution and interpersonal communications.

Ever Ask Your Reps This Question?
January 14, 2014

A salesforce that feels heard becomes connected with the company. Since most reps have an entrepreneurial approach to their jobs, this is no small accomplishment. Asking, “What’s wrong?” honors the sales rep(s) with respect. That feeling manifests itself in a number of positive ways. Good things happen when you feel a part of the team.

The Goal of the First Sales Call - Video Sales Tips
January 13, 2014

What is the number one thing you want from that first sit-down meeting with a client? A signed Purchase Order, certainly, but is that realistic? Something to quote on? Sure, but is that really, really what you want? In this week's video sales tip, Bill Farquharson gives you something else to aim for.

Three Marketing Mistakes to Avoid
January 10, 2014

Failing to use a marketing mix, failing to follow up, and trying to differentiate on price are three common marketing mistakes that will hinder the effectiveness of your printing company’s marketing efforts. Avoid them at all costs.

Sales Differentiation - Short Attention Span Webinar
January 10, 2014

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: This week's Short Attention Span Webinar features the technological advancement of video! That is, Bill and Kelly present their thoughts on Three Ways to Differentiate Yourself with cameras on! Is that a good thing? You decide!

I’d Better Laugh or I Just Might Cry
January 9, 2014

When the bad stuff happens, like losing an account, or making an error in an estimate, or even something as serious as losing your job, what do you do? Wallow or rise and move on?