Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Harness the Power of Referrals
January 31, 2014

The easiest way to find people who need your printing services is to ask those who already use them! Referrals are the low-hanging fruit that become valuable customers, as they’re essentially pre-qualified prospects who have built-in positive connotations of your business.

Start Small. Think Big.
January 31, 2014

What has helped many businesses and nonprofits is knowing what their true north is: their core strategy of what makes them different and better than everyone else. If you haven’t determined that for your business you are probably experiencing some of the residual effects that come from a lack of direction.

Properly Adding Multi-channel to the Mix
January 30, 2014

If your business is still around in 2014, chances are you have realized that multi-channel marketing is not the secret formula to success, but rather a necessary component to the continual transformation of your print-centric business.

Napkinisms Magazine - Ideas from Creative Greats (Includes Video)
January 29, 2014

This week, features Wayward Arts magazine's seventh issue, Napkinisms. The printed, embossed and folded squares pay witty homage to the many romantic overtures, great inventions, clever marketing campaigns, and inspiring doodles birthed on cocktail napkins.

What Banks Can Teach Printers
January 28, 2014

Good customer service and a quick response to questions can be important, but connecting with a client electronically is critical to achieving customer loyalty. Either that or you can give out toasters all day long.

Do You Wish You Had More Time?
January 28, 2014

Since we all have the same amount of time, the choice is ours as to what we do with it. For example, if you are reading and reflecting on this blog post that takes time. Everything we do, consciously or subconsciously, takes some of our time.