Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Selling to Women, Selling to Men - Short Attention Span Webinar
February 6, 2015

Can you say the same thing the same way to both male and female clients and expect them to hear the same thing? Of course not! Then just how do you get your point across to men and women differently? Let’s see what Bill and Kelly have to say about this subject in this week’s Short Attention Span Webinar.

Discuss Your Client, Not Print
February 5, 2015

Many of our customers don’t know much about print. They don’t care much about print. That’s why it is so important to stop talking about print and start making the conversation about your customer.

No One Else Is Gonna! Advocate for Yourself
February 5, 2015

I was feeling a little bit nostalgic today for the way things used to be back in the “old days,” which for me would be the early 90s. Most print shops had sales managers, many even exclusively, meaning their ONLY job was to manage a team of salespeople, and they did not even call on their own accounts. Do you remember those times?

Print: The Elephant in the (Waiting) Room
February 4, 2015

I always go to Direct Tire in Watertown, MA, to have my snow tires mounted. At some point, I realized how chock-full of printed materials their waiting room was. Let me try to recall the incredible amount of printed things I saw.

The Healthy Salesperson Succeeds
February 3, 2015

There is no question that it is extremely difficult to eat healthy and to live a healthy lifestyle. But a Healthy Salesman feels better about himself and that will radiate through his sales approach. In this week's blog, Bill Farquharson explains that there are no downsides to being The Healthy Salesman—except one.

Many 'MINI-ME's
February 2, 2015

Marketing in today environment changes rapidly and it takes an effort to keep up. What if you had many "MINI-YOUs" to help get work done? If you have access to a written system, another person can do a task or process as if YOU were doing it yourself—a veritable MINI YOU!

How to Avoid Organizing Boring Sales Meetings - Video Sales Tips
February 2, 2015

By law, all sales meetings are boring. Salespeople dread them and sales managers wince at the thought of creating an agenda that will keep everyone’s attention. In this week’s sales tip, Bill Farquharson offers some ideas to liven up your next sales meeting.

Scents, Coatings, In-Line Foils, Special Embossing Add Pizzazz and Differentiation
February 1, 2015

We've canvassed a handful of printers who stray a bit from the beaten path to get their take on the effectiveness of embellishments. One of the more comprehensive embellishers we came across is Worthington, MN-based Bedford Industries, which debuted in 1966 as a wire twist-tie manufacturer. The firm has blossomed in a number of different solutions for bundling, identification tags, converting technology, packaging reclosures and its trademark ElastiTag product line.