Business Management - Marketing/Sales

15 Fabulous Facebook Friends to Follow
February 25, 2015 at 8:26 am

For this week, I am going to ram Facebook down your throat. Think there is no place for Facebook in your business world? Think again. Here are just 15 of the companies that I follow, like, and interact with on Facebook. And you know what? It’s fun. And I usually learn something. And I meet people I might not have otherwise met.

If I Trained Sales Reps
February 25, 2015 at 7:46 am

The following list comes from over 20 years of my being a corporate print buyer or working with them, hosting events for them, and listening to them. At the end of the day, successful sales reps respect their customers and strive to deliver what each one expects.

The Seven Nevers of Sales
February 24, 2015 at 9:13 am

Welcome to Bill Farquharson’s sales neverland blog, where the seven “Nevers” of sales are laid out.

Five Sales Week Musts - Short Attention Span Webinar
February 20, 2015

In order to get the most out of every selling week, there are five things you must accomplish, according to Bill Farquharson and Kelly Mallozzi. Find out what they are in this week's Short Attention Span Webinar.