How to Lose a Sales Rep
August 5, 2014

Lost another sales rep, huh? What’s wrong Find out how to stop the cycle of madness in this week’s blog by Bill Farquharson.

Please Quit Using the Word 'Bid'
August 5, 2014

Bid. I hear this word all the time. You know, as in "we are bidding on this. Our bid looks good. They are letting us bid on this." Yes, I know what the word means, as it is defined in the dictionary. I am not saying you are grammatically incorrect in using it. However, every time I hear it, I cringe.

Why Ideas Can be a Bad Thing
August 1, 2014

If you’re running a business and or making strategic decisions for it, one of the worst problems to experience are too many business ideas. Frankly, they can paralyze your business by clouding your vision and rendering you with an inability to make the right decision.

Who Are You Talking To?
July 31, 2014

Customer personas give you a deeper insight into the people you are talking to, which means you will be better able to truly understand their needs. You will be able to put materials together that will grab their attention, appeal to them, and inspire action.

Summer Sales Checklist
July 29, 2014

It’s coming. In fact, it’s almost here. The three most important selling months of the year are just five weeks away. Get busy! Make ready! Follow the advice in this week’s blog from Bill Farquharson.

Too Many Wimpy Bosses
July 28, 2014

What is it in many people today that makes them feel so ENTITLED to equal status, even as a new hire, that they seem to lack the ability to show respect for those who have seniority or ownership in a business?

Your Business: What’s It Worth to You?
July 25, 2014

You shouldn’t think about “campaigning” in the M&A marketplace unless, and until, you have a firm handle on your company’s valuation. New Direction Partners has performed more valuations in the printing industry than any other consultancy, and that experience has taught us to identify a number of factors that enhance a company’s value.

Three Ways Little Companies Outsmart Large Corporations
July 25, 2014

Some companies try and cope with the market by waiting until everything is perfectly clear-sighted. The problem with this approach is by the time this has occurred large and small companies have already taken their strategic positions which leaves little room for you. If you feel you’ve reached this point it is probably time for you to consider a change in how you develop your strategies, and how quickly.

Five Marketing Ideas for the U.S. Postal Service
July 23, 2014

I fancy myself a person that is full of ideas. Now, I am not going to claim that they are GOOD ideas, but I have lots of ‘em, and I’m pretty sure the law of averages would say that at least a few of them don’t SUCK. Here are five ideas for how the USPS could increase revenue, reinvent, rejuvenate and thrive today.