How to Steal a Customer
August 26, 2014

You are asked to bid a job but you lose. Game over? Absolutely not! You could still steal this customer. Find out more in this week’s blog by Bill Farquharson.

Daily Routines—Not So Routine
August 25, 2014

As a business grows, the complexity of the operation often multiplies exponentially. This happened to Linda, owner of a thriving commercial printing company, who was seeking a solution to get a handle on the daily operations. I remember the day Linda and her husband Ron flew down to Tennessee to pay us a visit.

Why Asking the Question 'Why' Is So Important
August 22, 2014

The day of simply proving to customers you have what they are looking for is gone. Today’s smart marketers know that in order to grow their customer base they need to surprise their customers with added benefits, even those they didn’t promise.

Candy, Anyone?
August 21, 2014

Although I love summer, I really look forward to the fall season and the print shows each year at McCormick Place in Chicago. It is a truly exciting time seeing all the new technologies and devices. It is like being a kid in a candy store.

Leading by Leading (Not by Example)...
August 21, 2014

Don’t focus on the way things are, focus on how you want them to be. Then, like Chris Price, vice president of Graphic Arts Show Co., make it happen!

'New Move Trend Diary' Self-Promotional Piece (Includes Video)
August 20, 2014

This week, presents the "New Move Trend Diary," self-promotional calendar piece created by German design firm EIGA Design, that examines visual trend and documents exceptional design around the central theme of motion and move.

Confidence. The Sales Aphrodisiac
August 19, 2014

Some top salespeople have natural abilities that others don’t, thus allowing them to succeed. It’s not fair but it’s true: there is a sales gene. One trait, however, is within your control to display and it is the subject of this week’s blog by Bill Farquharson.

Keep it Simple—and KISS!
August 19, 2014

You've probably heard the acronym KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid), right? In this blog, Ryan Sauers tells us how this can relate to all of our communications. Here are five things you should do to ensure your communication is effective and clear.

The Industry’s Own 'Organic Movement'
August 15, 2014

Never give up hope of organic growth, even if it has been a long time since you last diversified your product and service offerings. To accomplish it, do your homework and find a way to set yourself apart from the competition.