Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Cultivating Great Websites —Dana
June 1, 2010

Despite the growth of social media, your Website remains an important marketing tool. It's your online storefront. It will either invite people in or make them look elsewhere. With about 30,000 commercial printing firms in the U.S., prospects know they'll find what they're looking for online.

Feature Dumping
May 26, 2010

As a sales trainer, I am cursed. Imagine being a food critic and walking into a restaurant. You immediately see everything they ought to be doing.

Have You Seen Seattleʼs Best?
May 25, 2010

I hate Seattle’s Best’s new logo. Let me give you a few of the reasons. but before I do judge for yourself.

Test Your Brand’s Strength
May 18, 2010

The basis of creating a brand strategy begins with the four qualifying questions below. If you can answer yes to them, you are on your way to building a sustainable and healthy brand.

Making it Right
May 18, 2010

When you have an opportunity to make a bad situation right, think about taking it. It may cost you a little money in the short term, but the long-term gain could be much greater.

Move the Battlefield Away from Price
May 18, 2010

Even though many print buyers pay lip service to low prices, their security depends on reliability, quality and expertise—not price.

How to Work with a Paper Merchant
May 18, 2010

Most merchants make money selling paper, but there are a few who make money buying paper. How do they make money buying paper?