Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Targeting Buyer Personas —Dana
April 1, 2010

By understanding how print buyers differ, you'll have a better chance at connecting with them and developing long-lasting relationships.

Class Is Now in Session —DeWese
April 1, 2010

You are here to earn your "PhD" in the sale of print communications and related services. When you have completed the course successfully, everyone will call you Doctor.

Common Interest
March 12, 2010

Paper mills and printers have a common interest and a common problem. So, how do we make the relationship cooperative rather than adversarial?

Do Printers Hire Former Print Buyers?
March 3, 2010

Wouldn’t an experienced print buyer make a terrific CSR? They can practically hit the ground running. What about print sales? Selling skills are a whole different animal, I know, but surely there are former buyers who have the “sales gene,” and with some training and guidance they could be very successful at selling print and related services.

Enroll in Mañana University —DeWese
March 1, 2010

You will be signing up for the first-ever university of printing sales, with its campus located in a magazine. It's called Mañana University.

You’re a Printer. Stop Denying It!
February 16, 2010

I've had it with printing companies masquerading as marketing solutions providers. You’re not ashamed of being a printer, are you? You know you're a printer if

The Attack of the Killer eBooks
February 2, 2010

The big question still remains, “Will this hurt or help Print Media?” There is a lot of speculation, but it seems clear that with the iPad and Apple's new iBookstore we will see an explosion of book content shared via the Internet and not print.

E-Readers’ Effect on Print
February 1, 2010

There is now a multitude of e-readers for book, magazine and newspaper digital content, ranging in price from $199 to $800 and above.

Tell Buyers that Print Rules! —DeWese
February 1, 2010

The e-mail headline read, "Special Announcement from Michael Makin." It said, "Dear Printing Industries of America Member: As you are aware, printed products are being criticized more and more for their impact on the environment—and unjustifiably so."