Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Value of Retaining Clients —Sherburne
February 1, 2010

Experts have indicated that it can cost as much as five to eight times more to acquire a new customer than to retain and grow an existing one.

Savvy Buyers Being Let Go —Dana
February 1, 2010

As companies reshape their marketing strategies to embrace newer media—at the expense of print—their need for employees who only specialize in sourcing print will shrink.

Who's the Boss?
January 25, 2010

Since commercial print quality is more or less the same anywhere you go today, I suggest that printing firms find ways to add value to their client experiences, in ways large (ancillary services) and small (be personable).

Printer's Profit Code
January 22, 2010

Statistics say that 85% of printers have flat or declining sales. They are struggling to sell to customers whose volumes are down. They can’t get in to see decision makers at potential new clients because they are not seen as any different to the existing supplier. They can’t find new work without discounting their prices.

“FREE! Your $2,435.54 Copy Of Printers’ Profit Code Is Paid In Full And Is Available For Instant Access. Notice: Only 500 FREE Copies Available. Claim yours while copies last!”

Firms Hold Fast to Snail Mail Marketing
January 14, 2010

Despite prevalence of digital media, entrepreneurs find old fashioned direct mailings still key to winning customers. Looking to cut costs amid the recession, Alicia Settle initially thought it would be a good idea to eliminate her company's annual direct mailing.

Accepting the ‘New Normal’
January 1, 2010

Printing as we know it is declining, but hot new applications and markets should maintain our $200 billion revenue base in real terms. Only three sectors within the top 25 will expand buys robustly at greater than 8 percent.

Tomorrow’s Tools Today
January 1, 2010

Is cross-media services variable data digital printing, sprinkled with personalized URLs (pURLs), microsites, e-mail campaigns or video? Sure.

Are QR Codes for Real? —Sherburne
January 1, 2010

As we start the new year, I want to talk a bit about QR codes. Some industry pundits think QR codes will make PURLs obsolete; others are touting the ability to combine the two ideas.

Stop Disruptive Distractions —DeWese
January 1, 2010

This is a column about the ugly, evil and dreaded affliction known as distraction. As your beloved Mañana Man, I have pioneered the research and practice of losing my way and taking disruptive and bewildering side roads to nowhere.