An 'Annual Report' for Print Industry M&As
December 5, 2014

As 2014 winds down, it's satisfying to report that the year has been a mostly good one for mergers and acquisitions in the printing and packaging industry. Looking back, we can see that a normal level of M&A activity has returned to the industry and that—assuming we get no more shocks from the general economy—opportunities for dealmaking will carry over into the year ahead.

Why Your Business Needs Great Content
December 4, 2014

Creating content takes time and effort. Think of it as one of your best tools—it will work better with regular maintenance and polishing—so don’t let it rust. Content that’s in good condition will do a better job of connecting you to your audience and growing your business.

Media (Not Size) Matters
December 3, 2014

I had the pleasure speaking at the Digital Book Printing Conference co-hosted by Printing Impressions and Book Business magazines on Nov. 19th in New York City. Although I spoke about the technical aspects of integrating inkjet printing into their digital printing processes, it was very evident throughout the conference that “printed” books are decreasing.

The Best Sale You Shouldn't Make
December 2, 2014

Your phone rings. It’s a company calling you out of the blue looking for a price. Wait, what? Someone is calling me? Warning, warning, Will Robinson! What’s wrong with this picture? Maybe this is a sale that you don’t want to make.

Winter Sales Reading List
November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving conjures images of Norman Rockwell, family and football. It is a simple holiday that gets you back to basics and reminds us all of what is important. Going with that theme, this week’s blog by Bill Farquharson gives you a reading suggestion with a sales angle.

We Reap What We Sow – Honesty Rules
November 25, 2014

You may be familiar with one of several versions of the following story; the original author is unknown. It carries a powerful message that I want to share. Look for the employees like "Jim" in this message and you might find your successor and certainly employees that are keepers.

You Love Them, You Love Them Not: Printers and Their 'People'
November 25, 2014

You may be surprised (or not) to know that a lot of times, print CEOs say, “It’s our people. We’d be nothing without them.” And things like, “We have the best minds in the business.” They really do come across as proud parents (it takes one to know one). I love that they profess such love for their employees. Then I go to their Website and guess what? Nary a mention of any employee.

Nothing Succeeds Like a Failed Strategy
November 25, 2014

Many companies in today’s marketplace are encountering tremendous difficulty staying current with all of the changes taking place. I know many people who are currently being forced to rethink everything they have always done and have been successful doing so due to the competitive pressures in the market. During this time it is only natural and wise to take account of what you are doing and planning on doing in the future.

LOI: The Letter and the Spirit
November 24, 2014

When a buyer and a seller reach the letter of intent (LOI) stage, they'll have agreed that the potential fit looks good and that due diligence—the research phase that structures and certifies the transaction—can begin. In this post, we'll review the steps the seller should take once both parties have signed the LOI.