I Would Hate It, Too!
December 22, 2014

My son Brandon, who had just finished a training session on our software with a new client, walked into my office the other day with a big grin on his face to relay what the client had just said during training. "Dad," he said, still grinning, "our new client told me his employees HATE the new systems."

Pick What You Want—and Go for It
December 19, 2014

Knowing from the get-go exactly what you want to accomplish by purchasing another firm puts you in a winning frame of mind and increases the acquisition's likelihood of success. At New Direction Partners, we know that when a prospective buyer comes to us with a clear picture of the kind of company he or she wants to buy, we can zero in that much more quickly on candidates that will be complementary or accretive to the buyer's present business.

Why Mobile Matters
December 18, 2014

If you want to be successful and keep your marketing and services relevant, mobile matters. Mobile has completely integrated itself into our everyday lives, and is now the bridge we can call "opportunity" between customers and businesses.

The State of the State of Print Buying
December 17, 2014

I never referred to myself as a Print Buyer until I started hanging around all of you Printers, Service Providers and Industry people. I suppose that is an easy way to lump us all together even though buying print was only one part of my long list of responsibilities as an Ad Agency Production Manager/Supervsior/Director of Production Services.

A Simple Sales Choice
December 16, 2014

Just before you move on to your next to-do item, make one simple choice that will dramatically impact your sales volume. What’s the choice you need to make? Find out more in this week’s blog by Bill Farquharson.

How You Can Be Firmer with Customers
December 11, 2014

Most companies bend over backwards to try and help their clients out. But there comes a point where it’s just not possible to give a customer what they were hoping for.

How You Serve Print Buyers: Make This List and Check It Twice
December 10, 2014

The new year is nigh. If December signals a slowdown of jobs coming into your company, you have more time to plan how to make better connections with your print customers in 2015. Maybe it’s time to examine your own—and your firm’s—customer development strategy. May I suggest your list include the following 10 items?

The Holiday Put Off
December 9, 2014

How do you respond when a prospect says, "Call me after the holidays?" This week’s blog by Bill Farquharson will give you a strategy which will result in an appointment.

The Incentive Plans of Mice and Men
December 8, 2014

Implementing proper systems for operating a business—and MEASURING incentive programs that are fair to the employee AND to the employer—is not for "mice," or the faint of heart.