Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Overcoming Objections - Become Your Prospect’s Number Two Choice (Part II)
February 17, 2012

Encouraging your prospects to stay loyal to current suppliers may actually help you win their business. Successful customer relationships are built upon trust; acknowledging a prospect’s history with a current supplier conveys that you understand and respect the ingredients of a successful business partnership. This will help position you and your printing company as a desirable vendor.

Hallelujah! My Church Is Using pURLS!
February 15, 2012

One of my favorite places to prospect and find inspiration for my blog is my mailbox. I was thrilled the other day to trek out there and come back in with a postcard from my parish that uses personalization.

Five Tips for Using Surveys to Retain Clients
February 15, 2012

Do you know how loyal each print buyer is to your business? Don’t wake up and find you’ve lost a customer. Here are five things you may want to consider in setting up an effective process for getting client feedback.

Following Through on Customer Feedback
February 15, 2012

When you do a customer survey, one of the very first things you must decided before you even begin is: What are we going to do with the information we receive? You have to be prepared to act on it.

When Good to Great Isn’t Enough to Get the Sale
February 14, 2012

So, you want to be a good salesman, huh? BAH! Good ain’t good enough, Sport. The landscape is littered with the goods and greats. Buyers have their pick from sales reps in these two categories. You need to be extraordinary.

Don’t Have $3.5M? Here’s Six Ways to Build Your Brand
February 10, 2012

Most business owners can only dream about running a 30-second commercial advertisement during a Super Bowl. This year’s cost—$3.5 million—put one outside the reach of most. Here are six valid ways to build your brand without spending that incredible amount of money.

Overcoming Objections - Become Your Prospect’s Number Two Choice
February 10, 2012

The loyalty of a prospect to a current vendor isn’t a problem; it’s an opportunity for you to differentiate yourself and win the business. Instead of hard-selling your company as the end-all, be-all solution, settle for being their second choice.

You Know You Are a Badass When…
February 8, 2012

I want to encourage you to use your personality to forge relationships with your clients and prospects. Our clients are still human beings and are drawn to that which is interesting about OTHER human beings. So try sharing a little bit about yourself.

Dear Jacob, Pick Us!
February 7, 2012

I’ve figured out who buys the most printing in this country—colleges and universities. Every single day for the past, oh, three months, at least five pieces of mail from a college or university has slipped through our mail slot.

Tale of 11 Toothbrushes, Purging and Motivation
February 7, 2012

My day started, but I was in a rut. Coffee failed to provide the spark I needed to be Mr. Motivation. As I reached for my toothbrush, I stopped, stunned and puzzled by what I saw: There were 11 toothbrushes in my bathroom.