Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Turn Voice-Mail Messages into Sales Opportunities – Part II
January 6, 2012

Use brevity in voice-mail messages to stand out. Keep them to less than 20 seconds and communicate a single point—any longer, and you risk losing the recipient's interest. Drafting and rehearsing a concise, pre-planned message can prepare you for either having a strong conversation or leaving an effective voice-mail message.

Insurers Use of Direct Mail Sees Double-Digit Decline Mintel Reports
January 6, 2012

According to recent data from Mintel Comperemedia, direct mail volume to consumers from life, health and property and casualty insurers declined 11 percent in the third quarter of 2011 vs. the same quarter of 2010. “Insurance products will see some renewed marketing vitality in 2012 as the concepts of stability, strength, and protection resonate more with consumers.”

Three Basic Rules of Strategic Planning
January 6, 2012

Many business owners have taken ownership of their company’s direction and are finding improved results by doing so. To get your strategic plan on the right path, there are three basic rules that you must follow:

Three New Year’s Considerations for Success in 2012
January 5, 2012

I do not have a top 10 list of resolutions or suggestions for 2012; the only fact that I can nearly guarantee is that the world will not end on Dec. 21. What I will say is to consider the following:

5 Steps to a Prosperous and Happy 2012...
January 4, 2012

...if the Mayans are wrong. There is no ONE thing you can do, buy or become to make your business a thriving enterprise. Let’s reflect on real and relevant ways to make positive changes to your business this year.

The Four Best Messages to Leave in Voice Mail
January 3, 2012

“No one returns my call.” Yes, in a perfect world all voice-mail messages are returned. But we don’t live in a perfect world. That means we need to improve the quality of our calls. To me, that means leaving one of four voice-mail messages:

Making a Great Woodpecker –Farquharson/Tedesco
January 1, 2012

“Are great woodpeckers (re: print sales reps) born or made?” Scientists are divided on the subject. There is a contingent who believe that the qualities that make up a great woodpecker must be present at birth—woven into their DNA.

Printers Make Presidential Run –DeWese
January 1, 2012

The belief behind the founding of the Graphic Arts Coalition is that managing a successful printing company is the most difficult managerial job in all of business, industry and government. Hence, a manager from our industry should make a great president.

Printer vs. Marketing Service Provider - Be What You Are
December 21, 2011

I think printers should be printers. I don’t think it’s a good idea to try to reinvent yourself as a marketing service provider and run the risk of alienating potential customers who are marketers. I know I’m probably very unpopular right now, having said that, and I expect a lot of you out there will disagree.

What Has You too Afraid to Sell?
December 20, 2011

Some of the best sales advice I was ever given came to me about a year after I started my career. Mike Powers, the sales manager, said, “Bill, you need to go piss someone off. If you do, you’ll sell a lot more.”