Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Aspirations to Never Give Up –DeWese
March 1, 2012

It’s happened to all of us. While sitting around having a drink with a few people, I start telling a story. The group is laughing their asses off and one of ’em says to me, “You really oughta write a book.”

Lessons in Pricing: The Fallacy of Incremental Volume
February 29, 2012

There are two big problems with the theory of incremental paper volume. Incremental volume is not the lowest-cost business; it’s actually the highest-cost business. If you produce less and use less raw material, you will cut the most expensive production costs, not the least expensive

The Ideal Sales Manager
February 28, 2012

A couple years ago, I was in Vancouver sitting with my friend Andre when he asked me to define the difference between a sales manager and a sales coach. I had never before thought about that question.

Answers to Four Questions Hold Keys to Thriving in a Recession
February 24, 2012

More than 50 precent of small businesses fail in the first five years, and only one out of 10 make it to year 10. So what do companies that make it past year 10 have that the others don’t? Here are four questions they know the answers to that help them stand out and thrive during the most difficult of times:

Lost Customers? Here’s How to Win ’em Back
February 24, 2012

As painful as it may be, running through your “lost causes” file and getting back in touch with former customers can bear fruit in the form of renewed customer relationships. When reconnecting with these old customers, avoid offering “low prices” to win them back.

Short Attention Span Webinar - How to Get Fired
February 24, 2012

Are you looking for a career change? Well, you will need to get fired first! Find out how by watching this week's Short Attention Span Webinar. It’s free and under 10 minutes long. #INLINE-CHART#

Are You Speaking to the Millennials?
February 22, 2012

I thought I was sooooo clever. To promote our upcoming PBI Boston Conference, I had the perfect theme...the absolute anthem...the killer headline. It read: Please come to Boston for the springtime. In came our new intern, a Boston University student.

The Ideal Salesperson
February 21, 2012

Finding a successful salesperson is part luck, part timing, and part knowing what you’re looking for. You won’t find perfect. You want the right personality, the right level of experience, and, perhaps, the right level of technical skills.

Eight Tips for Becoming a Leading Brand
February 17, 2012

How would you feel if someone invited you to an event at a mall, but when you arrived you couldn’t figure out where to go? That’s precisely what prospects feel like when they visit your website.