Your quality of life depends on what you demand for yourself. Your self-esteem matters. What you expect for yourself and of yourself sets the table for everything.
I’m not talking about being entitled. You have to put in the work. What I’m saying is you set the limits. Your employer doesn’t. The market doesn’t. The clients you do business with don’t. You have control and responsibility for your outcomes.
One of the most powerful phrases you can learn or question you can ask is “Why Not Me.” Why can’t I be the top rep? Why can’t I sell to brand X? Why can’t I be their number 1 supplier? I can go on forever, but you get the idea.
Years ago, I worked with a guy that wanted to print for our city’s professional baseball team. We were horribly underequipped for the work. A printing giant across town enjoyed the business we wanted.
The dude asked, “Why Not Me.” He asked for the business. He bought tickets and went to spring training. He never gave up and didn’t apologize for wanting to be a supplier.
He won the contract. He’s their number 1 supplier. He’s been doing their programs and other printing for 45 years. His initial equipment disadvantage didn’t matter. His resolve made it happen.
In the mid 80’s I pitched a buyer at a large soft drink company. He explained why he didn’t need us. He was a printing expert and had more suppliers than he needed already.
I asked him how he would design a printing company that was perfect for his work. I handed him my tablet. He sketched it out and I asked, “if I do those things can I earn a seat at the table.” I asked, “Why Not Me.”
Fast forward: Two years later the soft drink company consolidated vendors. They divided their printing between three companies. I was one of them. My tiny company shared millions in print with two publicly traded conglomerates.
We were excited. They were befuddled. I enjoyed every second of it.
As a sales leader I encouraged my reps to ask “Why Not Me.” Some dove in and changed their lives. Others, not so much.
Be fair with yourself. Look around. Look at your top rep. Look at your market’s top brands. Who says you can’t earn their work? Who says you can’t become the top rep.
The only answer that matters is yours. If you’re prepared to do the work, You Are What You Decide You Are!
Photo? This three-year-old Sable Shepard has decided she’s a lapdog. You can’t convince her otherwise and you don’t win arguments with an animal that size. So, she’s a lapdog.
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- Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Bill Gillespie has been in the printing business for 49 years and has been in sales and marketing since 1978. He was formerly the COO of National Color Graphics, an internationally recognized commercial printer and EVP of Brown Industries, an international POP company. Bill has enjoyed business relationships with flagship brands including, but not limited to, Apple, Microsoft, Coca Cola, American Express, Nike, MGM, Home Depot, and Berkshire Hathaway. He is an expert in printing sales, having written more than $100,000,000 in personal business during his career. Currently, Bill consults with printing companies, equipment manufacturers, and software firms. He can be reached by email ( or by phone (770-757-5464).