I almost didn’t write this blog.
It’s about something I witnessed at a sales meeting and since I’ve written recently on this subject, my fear was this would be seen as a repeat topic (“What's the matter, Bill? Are you running out of things to write about?”) But I did some quick calculations and figured that despite the fact that I will have written on this subject twice in three or four months, I have also written on it just twice in three or four years. By my estimation, that’s as frequent as this particular situation is witnessed. By me, anyway.
Here’s the thing...
A vendor was invited in to present and get my client’s salespeople up to speed on some new substrates available. She was clear and concise and well informed.
But that’s not "the thing."
She was respectful of the salespeople’s time and even commented that she may have overstayed her welcome (though she hadn’t, by a long shot).
But that’s not "the thing" either.
What made this event noteworthy and special was the way my client expressed his gratitude for something as simple as a vendor visit. When she was done, Dan said, “Thank you for your support. Thank you for everything that you do for us. And thank you for making us better at our jobs." I hear these same words every time I speak with him.
Every time.
Who wouldn’t want to work just a little bit harder for a guy like that?
Courtesy is not common. Neither are extraordinary, appreciative customers.
Get on Bill’s calendar for a free sales consult. Reps, let's talk about your sales challenges. Owners, let’s talk about your reps. Go to meet.so/BillFarquharson and book a 30 minute time slot. Bill can also be reached at (781) 934-7036 or bfarquharson@epicomm.org
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- Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Bill Farquharson is a respected industry expert and highly sought after speaker known for his energetic and entertaining presentations. Bill engages his audiences with wit and wisdom earned as a 40-year print sales veteran while teaching new ideas for solving classic sales challenges. Email him at bill@salesvault.pro or call (781) 934-7036. Bill’s two books, The 25 Best Print Sales Tips Ever and Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing…and How? as well as information on his new subscription-based website, The Sales Vault, are available at salesvault.pro.