Would you like some simple sales tasks?
Here are three activities that only take a few hours a week. I give members of The Successful Print Sales Circle exact instructions and scripts on how to carry these out. They are achieving great results from these activities so I know they work, even in current trading conditions. The next enrollment is at the end of this month.
Lapsed customers
Contact everyone who used to work with you but is no longer a client. You’ll be surprised at how many start working with you again. One client who carried out this activity added over £100,000 of potential new business into their sales pipeline within one week. And it is not unusual for people to win five-figure sums of business from contacting lapsed customers.
93% of customers will give you a referral. But only 11% of sales people ask for one (Source: Dale Carnegie Institute). Making regular referral requests is a powerful way to win new clients. I know businesses that win all their work through referrals.
Talk to existing customers
Ask what else they want from you. Chances are you offer it already and they just didn’t know about it! It is one of the easiest ways to upsell – providing you do it in the right way.
How do you carry out these activities week in and week out to create a ritual that keeps on winning business?
One of the most powerful ways is to create a 12-week sales project. This should focus on setting the right activities and measuring the results.
P.S. Find out more ideas on how to engage with today’s buyers: download my free e-book “Ten Common Print Selling Errors and What To Do About Them.” You’ll also receive my regular “Views from the print buyer” bulletin, full of ideas on how to sell print effectively. Also, check out my book, "How To Succeed At Print Sales: Setting targets, planning the right activities and making sure goals are met." You learn exactly how to create 12-week sales projects just like the ones in this article, as well as more ideas for sales targets.
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- Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Many printing companies are frustrated how hard it is to engage buyers in today’s world. That’s where Matthew Parker can help. He is a gamekeeper turned poacher. Parker has bought print for more than 20 years and received over 1,400 print sales pitches. He now uses his buyer’s point of view to give practical advice to printers. He helps them engage with prospects and customers to create profitable relationships.
Download his free e-book, "Ten Common Print Selling Errors And What To Do About Them" and check out his recently launched book, "How To Succeed At Print Sales: Setting targets, planning the right activities and making sure goals are met."