Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Does LinkedIn Replace Traditional Sales Prospecting Mediums?
June 18, 2015 at 9:00 am

Does our email address tell others something about us? YES. Do you feel like you are slammed, buried and drowning? YES. These are just two of the subjects (among many others) we will cover in upcoming weeks in this blog. So, no more stay tuned...instead...stay connected.

Five Tips to Improve Your Website and Attract Your Target Audience
June 18, 2015 at 8:30 am

The main goal of your website is to be a piece of online marketing collateral that is also a sales tool reflecting the capabilities and overall image of your organization. Here are five quick tips for creating a dynamite website that is sure to attract your target audience.

The Crucial Shelf Life of a Swatchbook
June 17, 2015 at 9:06 am

If your swatchbook is 2+ years old, make sure to check and see if a newer version is available; your clients are relying on you to be the well-prepared professional we both know you are.

There Are No Stupid Ideas
June 17, 2015 at 8:30 am

If you are working somewhere where your ideas are being ignored or where your creativity is being stifled, fight back. Demand that you be heard and that your ideas be taken seriously. Otherwise, start looking for a new place to hang your hat.

Boost Your Sales by Charitable Giving
June 16, 2015 at 8:30 am

Your mom told you that donating to charities was a good idea. But did you consider the value to your business? Bill did, and he writes about it in this week’s blog.

Not Your Dad's Direct Mail - Part One
June 15, 2015 at 8:47 am

Contrary to some opinionators, direct mail is going strong. Internet ads can't compete with a well-designed, creative, physical mail piece. You might spend a microsecond on a Web ad, but a mail piece has "got you" for 30 seconds at a minimum. So today's mailers are high-tech and well-equipped to keep this medium going strong for many years to come.

Write Good, Sell Good - Video Sales Tips
June 15, 2015 at 8:44 am

What is the affect of bad grammar? What does a tipe-o say about you and your company? Do you take the thyme to double-check your work? We are in the communication business and, as such must be aware of our word choices! In this weak’s sales tip, Bill Farkalarkson point that out to you. (And yes, each of the previous 5 sentences had some form of bad english…as does this one.