Business Management - M&A

The Week That Was With Julie G (5/15/2017)
May 19, 2017 at 1:08 pm

This week, Julie Greenbaum highlights industry news about a New Orleans-based commercial printer that has been the target of embezzlement; PostNet International Franchise Corp. being purchased by MBE Worldwide; M13 Graphics signing a letter of intent to purchase a 40" Komori Impremia NS40 with Landa Nanographic technology; and the USPS reporting a $562 million second quarter net loss.

Five Red Flags for Sell-It-Yourselfers
May 12, 2017 at 9:24 am

As the former president of a Printing Industries of America regional affiliate, I had the good fortune to work with many smart and successful owners of thriving printing businesses. I had the greatest respect for their abilities, but then as now, there is one thing that I would never have recommended that they attempt: selling their companies without professional representation and advisement.