Regardless of whether you are new to sales — and therefore a sponge for information — or if you are a legacy sales person — and consider yourself a lifetime learner — opportunities for free sales training present themselves all day long.
Are you looking for them?
One of my two cats, Sherlock, spends a good amount of time every day sitting by the garage door and crying. He is trying to sell us on the idea of letting him out, a mistake we apparently made once and will forever regret.
The lesson: Keep trying, even when you've been rejected time and time again.
Shopping for sneakers at a mall, you pick up pair after pair to look at the soles. A clerk walks over and says, "Can I ask what you're looking for?" You explain that you've just taken up Pickleball and you're looking for a court sneaker that can support lateral movement, not just forward movement like a running shoe. The clerk then launches into a series of facts-finding, open-ended questions, questions which will result in a solutions-based sale.
The lesson: Be curious.
Going out for dinner one night, you find the service to be exceptionally bad. A manager strolls by and asks, "And how was everything?" You can barely get a few words of reply out of your mouth before he continues, "Well, thanks for coming in tonight. We hope you will come back.” You won’t.
The lesson: Be a good and active listener.
Sales lessons can be found all day long. You will witness both good and bad sales experiences and learn from both.
But you've got to pay attention.
The Sales Vault has downloads, scripts, and templates to go along with its weekly live workshops and sales training courses. Visit or call Bill Farquharson at 781-934-7036.
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Bill Farquharson is a respected industry expert and highly sought after speaker known for his energetic and entertaining presentations. Bill engages his audiences with wit and wisdom earned as a 40-year print sales veteran while teaching new ideas for solving classic sales challenges. Email him at or call (781) 934-7036. Bill’s two books, The 25 Best Print Sales Tips Ever and Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing…and How? as well as information on his new subscription-based website, The Sales Vault, are available at