At some point between now and the ball drop, you are likely to slow down enough to ask yourself—or be asked—the question, “How was your 2012?” Naturally, you are bound by the International Laws of Sales to give an upbeat, positive and optimistic response.
But when you get a quiet moment—or either a shot of truth serum or tequila in you (same thing)—you should give that query some serious consideration and expand it from one question to five:
- Did I do my best work?
- Am I happy with the outcome?
- Did I do my job?
- If my sales grew, what was the source of the new business?
- If my sales didn’t grow, why not?
• Did you do your best work?
If you can honestly answer this question with an unequivocal and 100 percent “Yes!” then you can put your funny hat back on and proceed with your New Year’s Eve partying. But do so ONLY if you feel that you upheld the fourth of the Four Sales Agreements (the others being Be Impeccable with Your Word, Don’t Take Anything Personally, And Never Make Assumptions). Chances are, there is room for improvement in your sales process and in your sales day.
Bill Farquharson is a respected industry expert and highly sought after speaker known for his energetic and entertaining presentations. Bill engages his audiences with wit and wisdom earned as a 40-year print sales veteran while teaching new ideas for solving classic sales challenges. Email him at or call (781) 934-7036. Bill’s two books, The 25 Best Print Sales Tips Ever and Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing…and How? as well as information on his new subscription-based website, The Sales Vault, are available at