The 2014 Year Planner (Includes Video)
June 25, 2014

This week, calls attention to a 2014 Year Planner designed by Glasgow, Scotland-based designer Kerr Vernon of KVGD. The year planner/wall calendar/poster features old handset type, letterpress printing combined with offset, and eminently touchable stock.

The Showstopping Question; Integrity
June 24, 2014

In the middle of a conversation, I asked a question that seemed to make the planet stop spending. It came out of me so fast, that I couldn’t stop it. But I stopped long enough to write down what happened and what followed and what I said and it’s in this week’s blog.

Social Selling Mindset
June 24, 2014

Embracing a social selling mindset means that you understand you or your company must engaged to be “in on the conversation” that is taking place and hearing what people are saying and sharing...and thus be in on the “sales game.” If you do not do this then, yes, you are on the sidelines.

A Solid Business Footing: The 7Ps – That’s Right, Seven! (Part V of IX)
June 20, 2014

In part five of this nine-part series, Marka tells Org that letting up a little control of the sales process will lead to a larger sales reach. "With B2B sales, we’ll be able to potentially sell through a variety of trusted wholesaler, distributor and retail partners—all of which will help us gain more exposure in markets we couldn’t fully penetrate on our own," Marka added.

Tapping the Social Media Opportunity
June 20, 2014

There are literally thousands of additional online outlets “Channels” that are useful to many types of businesses that are not associated with the Big Four: YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Do you know which ones are relevant to your business?

Is Your Content Out of Ideas?
June 19, 2014

If your content is stale and redundant, why would customers and prospects come back for more? Trust me, I understand that coming up with great, image-rich content when there’s so much going on is no easy task, especially when it feels like you’re aimlessly staring at a blank screen. So the next time you find yourself out of ideas, try these 10 tricks to kick start your creativity and inkjet new life into your content.

An Invitation That Feels Like a Tire (Includes Video)
June 18, 2014

This week, calls attention to the Harlie Invitation. Think Marilyn Monroe sitting atop a Harley-Davidson. This vision and vivid story conveyed here in this invitation is beautifully enhanced with a mix of substrates. The outer envelope feels like a tire but with a sophisticated dot pattern, which is replicated in the rose-petal-like RSVP envelope.

Confession: Yes, I’m an Inkjet Junkie
June 18, 2014

During the course of almost two decades, the more inkjet I got involved with, the more I needed to incorporate inkjet into my daily life, oh, I mean production. I’ve had the opportunity to work with some of the greatest “suppliers,” I mean ink chemists, who have made creating great color and print quality the easy part of my job. Working with UV platforms gave me the extra rush I needed, for the time being.

Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life
June 18, 2014

If you want something to be different for you with regard to your sales life, you have to commit to a change. You have to decide what you want the end result to be, and then ALL of your actions need to support that outcome.