Business Management - Productivity/Process Improvement

How the Printing Industry is Ripe for Disruption Through On-demand Digital Printing Adoption
September 22, 2016 at 11:49 am

Enterprises can be hurt by partnerships that aren't technologically advanced. They can be hurt by partnerships that are slow to implement. Whether actionary or reactionary to the current state, implementations need to be lean and agile, seeing that all of the time spent transitioning burns through resources and human capital quickly — the opposite of the desired outcome when implementing a future state to replace the current one. Fortunately, this has created a landscape bound for disruption.

Follow-ship vs. Leader-ship
September 19, 2016 at 10:02 am

"Leaders are born, not made," some say. In some cases, that may be true. But, in my three careers, what I have witnessed is: Leadership is learned and developed. It's a DECISION to step up in a lead position! There's hope...

Printing Impressions Reveals 2016 Printing Industry Hall of Fame Honorees
August 25, 2016 at 11:58 am

Printing Impressions magazine and co-sponsor Rochester Institute of Technology jointly announce the 32nd induction class for the Printing Impressions/RIT Printing Industry Hall of Fame. They are Tom Metzger of Metzgers in Toledo, Ohio; Laura Lawton-Forsyth of Lawton Printing in Spokane, Wash.; Andy Lyke of Ripon Printers in Ripon, Wis.; and Zarik Megerdichian of 4over in Glendale, Calif.