Business Management - Marketing/Sales

How to Keep Customers Coming Back for More
July 22, 2011

Truly successful marketing communications campaigns begin with a highly creative and brilliant idea. But many campaigns fail to build a really interested following among even the marketer’s best customers. To increase a marketing campaign’s chances of success, consider a few quick questions to see how you can improve your next launch.

Using Client Databases to Develop More Strategic Offers
July 22, 2011

The better you know your customers, the better you can market to them. Printing companies that keep accurate and thorough customer and prospect databases can target different customers with cross- and up-selling offers they’re more likely to be interested in based on the buying interests they’ve shown.

Sell When You Don’t Need the Work
July 20, 2011

After what is likely to be years, you finally hit seven figures in annual sales, and perhaps even multiple times over. You’ve made it. You’re at the top. Now what? Sure, you know that you are supposed to keep selling.

The Best Impressions Are Still Made Face to Face
July 19, 2011

Despite all of our exquisite, second-generation communications, nothing can match the impression we make—or hope to make—face to face. Whether it’s for social relationships or business ones, I contend we have our best shot at building rapport when we meet someone in person.

5 Things to Consider When Raising Prices
July 18, 2011

Raising Prices? Think your customers will notice? Printers can learn a ton from the recent Netflix price increase. Netflix is taking a gamble with a bunch of loyal, but less profitable, customers. No one knows how many will walk.

Why Being Found by Customers Is More Important than Finding Them
July 15, 2011

Last time I checked, there was significantly more interest in developing new customers through direct sales and related marketing than any other topic in the print-media and general business markets. Let’s now jump forward beyond the customer onboarding trajectory and assume we have a stable new-business strategy to launch our program.

The Phone Is Not Ringing. Help!
July 13, 2011

“I am tired and stressed. The phone is not ringing. Tough day. Very discouraged.” That was the message I recently read from one of my training clients. Had he called instead of e-mailing, I would have offered the following advice

Printers Are in Consumers’ Blind Spots
July 12, 2011

There’s such a widespread lack of knowledge among consumers when it comes to printing. In my mind, every businessperson and independent professional could use personal printed materials. Online printers are the natural go-to resource, but so are small commercial printers.

Tracking Sales Activities Can Help Build Up Your Sales Force
July 11, 2011

Tracking your printing company’s sales efforts can provide lots of useful data, including total cost per sales hour and value of each rep’s sales call. This data then can be used to motivate your salesforce and justify hiring new employees.