Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Think of Your Website as a System
September 2, 2011

When visiting another company’s Website, you can be critical about how it’s designed or how “unfriendly” it is to maneuver. But, have you taken a really hard look at your own Website lately? What does it say to you?

Today’s Sales Doors Are Made of Bits and Bytes
September 2, 2011

Getting your prospects to become customers has been complicated with the coming of the age of social media—or, as some call it, digital media. In today’s strategic marketing mix, it’s better to be dominant in several media than milk toast in two dozen.

The Actual Best Sales Letter
September 1, 2011

As promised, I got the permission of the salesperson who wrote the great sales letter I highlighted in my last blog (Best Sales Letter I’ve Seen in a LONG Time!), and here it is.

The ‘Price Objection’ App –Farquharson/Tedesco
September 1, 2011

For most salespeople, it has become as routine as a daily commute to arrive at the "Your price is too high" objection. What starts out as a normal sales call with all good intentions ends at a closed road again and again.

5 Tips for Successful Sales –DeWese
September 1, 2011

It's easy to buy equipment. It's easy to purchase the newest software solution. But it's hard to find a client. It's easy to identify potential customers, but hard to obtain one. Customers are your friends.

The #1 Reason Why We Don’t Sell More
August 30, 2011

Want to know the number one reason why we don’t sell more? The answer is simple: If you aren’t asking for the sale, you won’t get it. Closing opportunities come every time you deliver a quote or call to follow up.

Another Plug for Printing Plant Tours
August 30, 2011

Every time I visit a plant, I get a fuller, richer picture of what that place is all about. It’s impossible to get that over the phone or from e-mails. When I interview a CEO or Sales Manager, I can ask questions about an individual’s background and uncover what specific talents, skills—even hopes and dreams—he or she brings to the business.

Five Easy Marketing Steps to Higher Sales
August 26, 2011

It doesn’t matter what industry you work in, driving new sales is the lifeblood of your company. The goal is really quite simple: build new sales that allow your company to grow so it can continue to invest in its people, products and services.

Three Tips for A/B Testing Success
August 26, 2011

Like almost any experiment, an A/B test has to be done according to a certain procedure. The most successful A/B tests will only test one variable, be focused on a random sample, and contain an intelligent hypothesis.