Marketing for the new decade will be greatly influenced by what type of thinking is driving your marketing. Marketers need to really pinpoint their top brand strengths and match them to their top prospects to meet the new business flow that is required to stay
in business, regardless of what industry you work in. As you search for new ways to design your brand strategy and messaging, it is critical to understand how most marketing comes into existence. Frankly, the type of thinking you bring to the planning process is what makes your marketing relevant or irrelevant. Boring or exciting.
- Categories:
- Business Management - Marketing/Sales
Tom Marin is the Founder and President of MarketCues, Inc., a national consulting firm. He has worked for some of the world’s largest corporations and middle-market firms. Tom’s focus is to help CEOs drive their strategy shifts and strategic growth programs. Follow MarketCues on Twitter. Tom also welcomes emails new LinkedIn connections or calls to (919) 908-6145.