In case you haven’t heard—and who hasn’t—there is a global conversation going on with or without you. But the question is, How much or little should you join in? Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and Digg. So many possibilities and so many roads to travel.
A recent report on reviewed 100 brands and found the companies that were the least active on social media saw their sales drop 6%. To counteract this, Dell's now paying a 40-person team to run social media for the company.
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- Business Management - Marketing/Sales
Tom Marin is the Founder and President of MarketCues, Inc., a national consulting firm. He has worked for some of the world’s largest corporations and middle-market firms. Tom’s focus is to help CEOs drive their strategy shifts and strategic growth programs. Follow MarketCues on Twitter. Tom also welcomes emails new LinkedIn connections or calls to (919) 908-6145.