Five years ago, the average American was exposed to 247 commercial messages each day, according to the Consumer Reports. This year, the average consumer will see or hear 1 million marketing messages—that’s almost 3,000 per day. No human being can pay attention to 3,000 messages every day.
The Better the Story, the Better the Brand
The biggest problem with much of today’s market advertising is that it fights for people’s attention using the tactic of interruption. For instance, a short commercial on television interrupts your favorite show. What do you do? You start channel surfing, right? Or you’re reading a great article and on the opposite page is an ad that is screaming to be noticed or read. More times than not you ignore the ad. Or you’re having dinner with your family and you get a telephone call that interrupts your family time. You take the call and abruptly hang up.
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- Business Management - Marketing/Sales
Tom Marin is the Founder and President of MarketCues, Inc., a national consulting firm. He has worked for some of the world’s largest corporations and middle-market firms. Tom’s focus is to help CEOs drive their strategy shifts and strategic growth programs. Follow MarketCues on Twitter. Tom also welcomes emails new LinkedIn connections or calls to (919) 908-6145.