Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Drop and Give Me 5 Prospecting Exercises
January 17, 2011

This blog is meant to help print salespeople overcome the barriers that prevent many from prospecting at levels consistent with a company’s growth objectives. It’s time for us to have some exercise...some prospecting calisthenics, if you will.

Keep an Eye on Your Yelp
January 17, 2011

We are in a customer driven and empowered world, one where no one has to listen to marketing bravado in order to determine whether or not a product, program, service or company is any good before trying it out.

Should You Write an eBook for Your Company?
January 14, 2011

Let's get down to brass tacks about eBooks and whether you should write one for your company by looking at the pros and cons of this idea. Whether you are writing for an online audience or looking for a way to re-position your company in one-to-one settings, an eBook is an excellent marketing tool to accomplish these goals.

January 13, 2011

Successful marketing programs of all kinds take products on a journey from ignorance to purchase, passing through each of the five AIDAR buying cycle stages: Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action and Reorder. “Planning for product development success isn’t difficult,” Lucy said.

Print Buyers Should Screen Calls
January 11, 2011

I have to laugh at the notion that professional print buyers owe it to printers to pick up the phone when you call them. If you have something they might need, make that clear in your message, and they’ll call back.

Print Is a Commodity...but You’re Not
January 11, 2011

It’s ink on paper—and that’s it. Solutions, consulting, communications...for the most part, it’s just lip service, a 21st century angle. Who are we to stay that we are qualified to be a communications or solutions consultant in any of the diverse industries we try to sell?

The Time Management Centerboard
January 10, 2011

Sailing is a great metaphor for time management. To make the most of your selling day, you’ll need to properly rig your boat and chart an efficient course. Any sailor will tell you that it’s the prep you do while sitting at the dock that makes for a good sail.

Prospecting for Print Sales Professionals
January 10, 2011

Prospecting for new accounts is the absolute hardest thing I have ever done. Research into the psychological reasons for call reluctance has revealed more than a fear of rejection. In fact, the research found nine unique reasons.

Control What YOU Can Control
January 10, 2011

There is a lot to be said for making some changes, but nice, small subtle ones. And more importantly, ones that have a chance of having an impact, because they involve only you. 1. YOUR ACTIVITY LEVEL—The more prospects you add to your pipeline, the more clients you will have in six months or a year.

The Power of FREE!
January 7, 2011

I happen to like the word “free.” It grabs my attention. It has a lot of usages, and for some reason, all of them seem good. How can you use the word and apply it to helping grow your print sales?