Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Two Musts for a New Strategy: Honesty and Courage
January 28, 2013

Often company executives know things are not working properly but they are afraid to make a major shift. What happens if the new direction is worse than the current one? This occurs in corporations, entrepreneurial firms, and nonprofits alike. Almost always a company’s strategy is entirely responsible for the results that it is achieving, and leaders are entirely responsible for that strategy.

Use Mass Customized Letters to Win Sales Opportunities
January 25, 2013

Prospects won’t always pay attention to a marketing piece simply because it mentions their name. But they will pay attention to customized content—letters, O-mails, and other marketing materials that directly reference their needs. We can create and send these letters for a small fraction of the time and effort it would take to actually write each individual a letter. All it takes is some research and a little writing.

Introducing “Appy Hour”
January 25, 2013

With so much transition up in the air, there are new opportunities to innovators in pretty much every market sector. Best ideas usually win out. The question is who will be the new leaders? Perhaps it won’t be the standard computer companies, but some kind of new application house that puts everything together for us without using a restrictive proprietary software and hardware solution. That would be nice wouldn’t it?

Staying True to Your Word – Are you Gold or Tarnished Metal?
January 23, 2013

How well do you keep your word to clients, prospects and colleagues? Do you always furnish information when it is requested the first time? Integrity and reputation are some of the most valuable assets that we own. We should be doing everything in our power to preserve and improve them. Keeping your word is a great way to do so.

Why We Must Fight Greenwashing Not Toshiba, Google or Each Other
January 23, 2013

Companies that use “Go Green, Go Paperless” as a marketing message, value proposition, or call to action, either communicated as such, or implied through phrases such as “save trees,” are not expressing their opinion. They are making a claim and entering into an understood covenant with consumers to deliver on that promise. It’s a promise that they cannot keep.

This is Your Sales Pitch? Seriously?
January 23, 2013

I received an e-mail from a sales rep last Thursday that has really set me off and I am seeking your advice on how to respond. I’ve never met him. This is the first time I’ve heard from him. Most people would either delete it or ignore it. But I am a sales trainer, hear me roar. I can’t just let this go as much as I’d like to. An injustice has occurred in the sales world and it is my duty to defend on its behalf.

The Printing Industry Once Again Misses the Point
January 18, 2013

The print vs. digital debate raged in recent weeks between the Printing Industries of America and the founders of Google. Our industry has to figure out—sooner rather than later—that it’s in the communications business, not the printing industry.

Desperately Seeking Good News
January 16, 2013

Good news. You won’t find it on the evening news, but it’s out there. And your customers want to hear it from you. So, today I’m going to talk to you about seeking, finding and sharing good news.

A Tale of Two Price Objections
January 15, 2013

At the end of last year, I was faced with two subscription renewal decisions—The Wall Street Journal and Sirius Radio. Previously in both cases I have successfully played the game I call, “Holy crap are you people stupid or what?”