Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Key to Image Marketing Success
February 19, 2013

We printers have chastised ourselves repeatedly over the years for not developing and communicating our marketing strategy. But did we know at the time that we were not just failing in one function of our business, we were neglecting our dominant strategy?

Strategic Recommendations, They Are A Changing
February 15, 2013

Social media is at the heart of the rapid transition from print to relevant digital marketing and the absolute demand by advertisers for a strong Return On Marketing Investment (ROMI) from their advertising agencies. This has been brewing for quite some time, but it seems that we are about to reach a tipping point, and once we do, there will be no going back.

PR Enclosures Can Help You Win New Business
February 15, 2013

Last week, Fire Enterprises (FEI) marketing maven Marka told savvy salesperson Zoot how offering inexpensive giveaways in FEI’s direct marketing promotions can lead to new sales opportunities. This week, Marka shows FEI Team Leader Org how enclosing public relations pieces in direct mailers can help persuade prospects to buy from them. Remember, fire = print.

Identifying Buying Personalities - Short Attention Span Webinar
February 15, 2013

Understanding the type of Buyer you are dealing with can be the difference between a successful sales call and one where you can hear the crickets chirp in the background. In this week's Short Attention Span Webinar, Bill and Kelly give you clues and insight into picking up the personality traits of your customer or prospect.

Why You Should Keep Your Name
February 14, 2013

What are you gaining beyond your goal to "disassociate" yourself with the words print or press. What's in a name? A lot. It is your brand, your Differentiating Sales Factor and your DNA. It is a big world out there, and today's competition for printers is not just the guys down the street.

Coffee is For Closers
February 14, 2013

I used to be a salesperson. It's a tough racket. I found myself in a situation where I needed to cold call (after cold e-mailing), a significant amount of people who had no idea I existed prior, and essentially asked them for money to partner with me at the upcoming Graphics Of The Americas.

How to Get a 4 Star Rating
February 13, 2013

Here are a few things that you can learn about giving your customers a first class buying experience while charging a super premium price. (I can imagine there will be a lot of skeptics out there and push back regarding charging high prices, and I understand.) I will discuss the high price philosophy in another blog.

It's a Singular Sensation
February 13, 2013

When a printer “sells” their traditional products and service mix does it matter to the client if the additive or subtractive method of color reproduction is to be used? No, the client in most instances looks to the printer for that specific level of expertise. Yes, you will need to let the client know the end process since that may in some ways define the need and effect the price, but the technical aspects of the process are covert.

The Most Terrifying Moment in All of Sales
February 12, 2013

What is the most terrifying moment in all of sales? Is it that brief span of time after you deliver a price and before the customer gives you the verdict? Is it walking the Green Mile which leads to your manager’s office after he or she has called you and to discuss a bad sales month? Prepare yourself for the white-knuckle answer.