The Ad Comeback Story of the Decade
Industry studies show that the benefits of magazine ads often outweigh newer digital avenues, particularly in the all-important area of building consumer trust. Ten years ago many in the industry were saying that magazines were down for the count. As the recession ground on and digital advertising became hotter, the ad revenue for many publications did a nose dive. Yet the medium refused to die. And now, magazine advertising is making a strong comeback, according to Kaycee Cleary in AMG. “Companies may be investing more in digital advertising, but modern businesses know that combining print and digital advertising — creating a true cross-channel advertising plan that leverages the strengths of both — is the key to success,” Cleary writes. Clearly is a proponent of the audience-centric approach to advertising as the path to success, with print playing a larger role than many might expect. “Instead of thinking about individual communications with your audience, think about building an experience at every touch point,” she explains. “That means using cross-channel advertising to leave the right messages in the right places and times. “Beautiful, glossy images and long-form ads will be well received by magazine readers who read slower and stay on pages much […]