In part 1 of this series, we discussed how to use emotion in direct mail to drive results. In part 2 we discussed using loss aversion to drive sales. In part 3 we discussed how to use scarcity and reciprocity to increase your direct mail sales. As well as exclusivity. In part 4 we discussed social proof and storytelling behaviors to driver higher direct mail results. In part 5 we discussed how autonomy bias and the consistency principle can be used in direct mail to increase results.
In part 6 we looked at how information gap theory and authority principle could be used to increase direct mail response. In part 7 we talked about status quo bias and framing to get people to take the action you want them to. In part 8 we discussed automatic compliance triggers. In part 9, we discussed maximizing your direct mail copy. Now we will discuss increasing desirability of your product or service with direct mail. By using these human behaviors, you can gain a competitive advantage and increase sales.
Scientists have found that people will judge the likelihood of an event happening based on how easily they can recall a relevant example. So, in your direct mail, use relevant common examples that can easily be visualized to convince people they do need to make a purchase now. Lay the groundwork for the sale first by prompting people to think of instances where your product or service could have helped them.
Even if the person you are sending the mail piece to thinks they are not interested, you can use this method to help them visualize how they do need your product or service. This will get them to come to the conclusion that they do need to buy. This trigger is called availability bias.
You can use frequency, recency, and quantity to trigger availability bias. The more often people hear something, the more likely they are to think of it as relevant to their lives. Since recent memories are easier to retrieve, you can use that in your direct mail to drive need. The key to trigger availability bias is to cause people to estimate the likelihood of something happening where they would need your product or service.
Make sure that your messaging does not start with features and benefits. First you need to set the stage with a story that triggers availability bias to make your target more receptive. So how can you create more desirability for your product or service with your direct mail?
How to add desirability to your direct mail:
- Prompt people to recall a time when they really could have used your product or service.
- Get them to imagine a future in which they are happy using your product or service.
- Focus your marketing so you are well known for one thing. That way they will automatically think of you when they need that one thing.
- Make your messaging consistent and frequent. You want your product or service to feel familiar.
- Include stories or examples where your product or service is the obvious solution.
- Take advantage of current events that connect to your product or service.
The tactics mentioned above are a great way to drive the direct mail response you want. Getting people to come to conclusions that they need to buy your product or service on their own is a great motivator. Keep in mind that you can always combine behavioral science tactics to increase the effectiveness of them. Get creative and have some fun with your direct mail. In our next article, we will discuss creating stand out direct mail marketing.
- Categories:
- Mailing/Fulfillment - Postal Trends

Summer Gould is Account Executive at Neyenesch Printers. Summer has spent her 31 year career helping clients achieve better marketing results. She has served as a panel speaker for the Association of Marketing Service Providers conferences. She is active in several industry organizations and she is a board member for Printing Industries Association San Diego, as well as the industry chair for San Diego Postal Customer Council. You can find her at Neyenesch’s website: neyenesch.com, email: summer@neyenesch.com, on LinkedIn, or on Twitter @sumgould.