Making Customer Touches Measurable
June 24, 2011

Tracking the effectiveness of your promotional activities can help you match these activities with results and match cost outflows to revenue inflows. Over time, these measurements will allow you to establish guidelines of what works and make more strategic business decisions based on this knowledge.

Moving Sustainability from Niche to Normal
June 23, 2011

As print service providers, knowing the issues your customers face will help you better solve their problems. Your customers’ customers—consumers—look differently at environmentally friendly products depending where they fall on the green continuum. Until green products and services feel normal, the middle is unlikely to change behavior.

How the Successful Succeed
June 23, 2011

The question was, What are the successful students doing to succeed? I jotted down Professor Deschamps’ answers because I saw a strong correlation between her comments regarding college students and what every sales rep needs to know to find success.

You Set the Tone - Be Bold!
June 22, 2011

Too often, salespeople use apologetic or weak language, especially when prospecting for new business. And there is no more important time for you to be strong, confident and believe in your kick-ass-ability than when you are trying to land a big, new profitable fish that you can lay at your boss’ doorstep.

Good, Bad and Ugly Customer Contact Practices
June 22, 2011

After getting my fifth useless e-blast from a vendor partner this week, I started opting out of everything I received from my vendor partners because of pure frustration. I buy from them, but they hit me too hard with thoughtless messages.

The ‘Print Is Dead’ Objection
June 20, 2011

A common objection now is, “Print is dead. We are putting everything on the Web.“ In theory, that works. I mean, if you don’t print and you don’t mail, you’ll save a bundle. How are people going to find out about your website?

Building a World-Class Marketing Organization
June 17, 2011

One proven way an organization can differentiate itself from its competition is by creating a brand-marketing program that is far and away better than anyone else’s. And the best way to do that is by integrating both print and digital media in new ways that others haven’t.

Making Sure Market Research Asks the Right Question
June 17, 2011

When researching new business opportunities, make sure you’re asking the right questions in order to solve the right problems. That may sound easier-said-than done. But all it takes is a little business and marketing common sense to avoid this common research pitfall.

You Are NOT Alone Out There!
June 15, 2011

I’ve had an ever-increasing number of conversations in the last month about how things are “out there” for all of you who sell in this industry. And I understand that for many of you, it is not pretty. You are not alone.

A Message from My Conscience...
June 14, 2011

Psst! Hey, Bill. It’s me: Your conscience. What’s going on? Are you still making excuses for not staying consistent with your prospecting efforts? What’s up with THAT? You’re having a record month BECAUSE of the consistency you showed in May.