Hey Chicken Little…the Sky Is NOT Falling
October 25, 2012

Recently, a veteran sales person left our company claiming, “Print is dead.” He had horrible sales volumes over the last three years. The reps complaint—more precisely, his excuse—was that no one is buying print. That’s funny, my presses are running.

Translating ‘You Are Where You Live’ Motto into Print Brochure
October 24, 2012

Miron Construction’s self-promo brochure incorporates the essential elements of fine printing and design to build an exquisite marketing structure. From the rich, color-saturated spreads to the varnishes and elegant foils, the reader is treated to elegance, excitement and innovation at every turn of the page.

You’re a Hard Habit to Break
October 24, 2012

When it comes to work, my bad habit is getting distracted. I am pathological about letting interruptions get in the way of what I need to do. Do you have a habit that you need some help overcoming?

What a Week of Trade Show Madness!
October 23, 2012

My week started with the annual pilgrimage to McCormick Place for GRAPH EXPO 2012, then it was off to the always-glowing lights of Las Vegas to exhibit at the Direct Marketing Assn. meeting. On my way home, I had time to reflect on these events. I wondered what happened to decorum.

10 Terrific Time Truths
October 23, 2012

Time management is a huge subject, but can be the difference between a sales rep selling $200,000 in printing services or $2 million. Here are 10 things truths that will make a difference in your sales efficiency:

Putting that Great New Idea into Action
October 22, 2012

How many times have you walked out of a seminar or workshop all fired up about the presentation the keynote speaker had just shared? As soon as you arrived back in the office, you called a meeting to share all the new ideas with everyone.

Want to Sell More to Customers? Try Surveys
October 19, 2012

Customer surveys are an excellent way to determine what your company’s doing right. They can also tell you what—and how—to improve your business. Plus, customers always appreciate the attention and the commitment to proactive improvement of your products and services.

A Good Marketer Is Always Researching
October 19, 2012

The Internet is awash with products and services that offer customers more choices than ever before. Using market research, you can comb through the myriad of factors confronting your company—or possibly confounding it—and pinpoint a clear and focused strategy to drive your entire marketing program.

Talk of Customer-Supplier Partnerships and Proactivity
October 18, 2012

You’ve printed a few small jobs for me, and they look great. Everything went smoothly. Don’t sit back and rest on your commissions; your work is just beginning! Now that you know my work, offer me recommendations.

PEZ* Strategy - Path to Increased Profits
October 18, 2012

I am a very strong proponent of the process of media convergence, integration and engagement. Engagement, to me, is a more important result than the immediate or impulse sale. The prospect engagement zone, or PEZ, is a multi-level and dimensional zone of profit that once established can become the Holy Grail of the sales process.