NPES and Printing Industries of America Coordinate Capitol Hill Fly-ins
Printers and Suppliers to Co-Host Congressional Reception and Luncheon
NPES and Printing Industries of America are coordinating Capitol Hill industry advocacy “Fly-ins” set for June 14-15, 2011, and have dovetailed them with a “Manufacturing Summit” sponsored by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), which is scheduled for June 15-16, 2011. The NPES/PIA Fly-ins will include a Congressional reception focused on new members of the 112th Congress, and a Congressional luncheon featuring senior leaders of the U.S. House of Representatives. Both events will be co-hosted by the two associations.
NPES Government Affairs Committee Chairman Ulrik Nygaard, President, Baumfolder Corp., will lead NPES public policy advocacy on Capitol Hill during the Fly-in, and welcomes and encourages any and all NPES members to participate. Nygaard emphasizes that “the Fly-in will provide an excellent opportunity for industry executives tomeet with members of congress and their staffs, as well as other government officials, and explain the industry’s views on a wide range of public policy issues that have a direct bearing on NPES members’ business interests.” And Nygaard believes that coordinating NPES’ Fly-in with that of Printing Industries of America will yield an especially effective synergy for the industry event.
In preparation for congressional office visits, NPES Government Affairs Director Mark Nuzzaco will lead issue briefings on government affairs priorities for NPES Fly-in participants on the afternoon of June 14. These priorities include:
• A Vital and Sustainable U.S Postal System
• Affordable and Equitable Health Care Reform
• Favorable Capital Investment Tax Policy
• Free, Fair International Trade
• Affordable American Energy
• Responsible Environmental Policy
• Respect for the Value and Integrity of Intellectual Property, and
• Limited, Effective and Efficient Regulations.
Information about these priorities can be found on the NPES website at:
Nuzzaco stresses that “the Fly-in will be an especially good opportunity for NPES to educate the dozens of new senators and representatives of the 112th Congress on these issues of importance to NPES members and their customers in the graphic communications industry.”
Looking at NPES’ membership, Nuzzaco points out that currently NPES has 450 member companies that collectively have facilities located in 226 different congressional districts spread out over 39 states, with the very largemajority concentrated in the following 17 states respectively: Illinois, California, New York, New Jersey, Ohio, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Florida, Texas, North Carolina, Michigan, Virginia and Maryland.
Thirteen of the 16 new senators and 38 of the 93 new representatives in the 112th Congress come fromthese states and congressional districts where NPES member facilities are located. As freshmen members of Congress they would greatly benefit from hearing fromtheir NPES member constituents, and typically are especially receptive to input.
To learn more about the June 14-15, 2011 NPES Capitol Hill Fly-in and to register to attend go to click here or contact NPES Government Affairs Director Mark J. Nuzzaco at phone: (703) 264-7235 or e-mail:
Source: NPES.