Franklin Event to Support Metro New York Graphics Students
NEW YORK—May 31, 2011—Printing Industries Alliance (PIA) and the Graphic Communications Scholarship, Award and Career Advancement Foundation (GCS Foundation) announced a new initiative to support the educational endeavors of students looking for a graphic communications career in the Metro New York area.
Net proceeds from the PIA’s annual Franklin Event are being designated to support the newly created “Franklin Event Scholarships,” which will be administered by the GCS Foundation.
In making this announcement, Franklin Committee Co-Chairman, Gary Dolgins said, “The Franklin Event has a long and illustrious history of honoring individuals who have made a positive contribution to our industry. The Franklin Committee felt it was important to support the educational dreams of individuals who wish to follow in their footsteps in our ever-changing industry. We would encourage anyone interested in the development of our future workforce to attend this year’s Franklin Event. Not only does it benefit a great cause, you just might meet your next great business contact.”
The Franklin Committee considered several options when evaluating the right cause to support. Franklin Committee Co-Chairman Marty Maloney said, “The committee chose the GCS Foundation because of several factors. First, as an all volunteer organization, 100 percent of the funds donated go to scholarship recipients. Second, we felt it was critical that the Franklin Event support careers in the Metro New York area. After all, a company supporting Franklin, by becoming a Platinum or Gold sponsor, may be helping to fund the education of a future star employee.”
The decision was made after a recent Franklin Committee meeting which featured a presentation on the GCS Foundation by Foundation President Richard Krasner. Krasner provided a broad overview of Foundation activities, but also focused on the strategic vision of the Foundation.
In announcing this new initiative, he stated, “The GCS Foundation was founded in 2003 with the express purpose of increasing graphic communications career awareness, mentoring and advising students on career choices, assisting in the development and availability of education materials and most importantly, providing scholarships and financial aid to students pursing careers in our industry. Our new relationship with the Franklin Event and Printing Industries Alliance will solidify foundation efforts to provide much needed financial support to our future workforce into the next decade.”
The 2011 Franklin Event is being held on Sept. 21, 2011 at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Pier. The program starts at 5:30 pm and this year’s honorees include: Franklin Award for Distinguished Service: Raymond W. Kelly, Police Commissioner of the City of New York; Power of Communications Awards—For Printing, Michael Graff, President & CEO, Sandy Alexander, Inc.; For Publishing, Laura Reid, Vice President Production, Hearst Magazines; and For Retail Advertising—Rita Little, vice president, Marketing. Bed Bath & Beyond, Inc. The John Peter Zenger Medal will be awarded to Kelly Erickson, Group Account Director, Sawtooth Group.
To register for this year’s Franklin Event, visit or call either (908) 233-4124 or (716) 691-3211. Early bird discounted rates for sponsorships are available until June 15.
About Printing Industries Alliance
Printing Industries Alliance is the trade association representing graphic communications and related firms in New York State, Northern New Jersey and Northwestern Pennsylvania. Headquartered in Amherst, NY, with a Metro New York office in Westfield, NJ, Printing Industries Alliance provides a broad range of consultative, informational, and expense reduction services for its membership.
The Graphic Communications Scholarship, Award, and Career Advancement Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation dedicated to supporting the educational aspirations, both financially and professionally, of New York City Metro area students pursuing careers in graphic communications. The Foundation is holding its 9th Annual Scholarship Awards Ceremony on Thursday, June 23, 2011 at Hearst Tower which is located at 300 West 57th Street in New York City. The program starts at 5:30 PM. Registration is required.
Source: Printing Industries Alliance.