Sponsored by: HP Curtiss Haug, Vice President – Sales, Graphic Arts Studio; Brian Scott, President, Blooming Color; Todd Cober, Vice President, Cober
Digital presses work side by side with conventional presses in thousands of printing plants. Getting peak productivity from both types of equipment means making the right decisions about migrating work from offset presses to digital platforms.
This webinar gives you the practical roadmap you’ll need for converting jobs from offset to digital output. Presented by professionals who have mastered offset-to-digital migration at their own companies, the program will cover:
- Why migrating work from offset to digital makes sense, and best practices for accomplishing it.
- How to make the transition consistently profitable.
- How to calculate crossover the right way (hint – look beyond printing and consider end-to-end costs).
- How migration to digital helps plants make the best use of their offset equipment.
If you print in a hybrid offset-digital environment, or if you are planning to install a digital press in your offset shop, this webinar is tailor-made for you. It’s easy to attend, and it’s free: register today!
Sponsored by HP
Click here to register for this free webinar today!
Couldn’t make it on September 25th? No problem! Printing Impressions and In-plant Impressions webinars are archived for 90 days after the live event. Click above to register and get access to this webinar, both live and on- demand.