Noelle Skodzinski

NEW YORK CITY--The publishing industry is experiencing a radical transformation, and publishing executives at every level face new roles and responsibilities. Everyone is trying to figure out how best to tap the new revenue potential and publishing technology out there, from custom publishing to digital editions, webcasts and RSS. Even top executives of magazine publishing companies of all sizes admit they don't have all the answers to the media landscape right now. Nobody does, says Noelle Skodzinski, PrintMedia magazine's editor in chief. The 2006 PrintMedia Conference & Expo has been designed to give publishing executives practical solutions they can apply today to their businesses

By Noelle Skodzinski It's not likely a big surprise that Quebecor World held fast to its No. 1 spot among the Top Book Manufacturers—ranked by book manufacturing revenues—in the United States and Canada. With a $36 million lead over RR Donnelley, and a $273 million lead over third-ranked Von Hoffmann Corp., Quebecor World isn't likely to lose its position anytime soon. Both top seeds, however, saw book sales drop in 2003. In fact, revenues for three of the top five sank by a total of nearly $130 million. Arvato Print USA (a division of Bertelsmann) and Von Hoffmann were the only two in

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