Offset Printing - UV/LED Curing

Air Motion Systems Awarded for UV Innovation
February 8, 2010

The Wisconsin Business Development Finance Corporation recognizes outstanding businesses in Wisconsin that have distinguished themselves through innovative products and services.

UV Printing: Can You Afford not to Make the Investment?
January 22, 2010

Many of us have heard that adding UV printing to our repertoire would increase our offerings to our customers, but have not completely understood exactly why. Do the benefits overcome the added expenses? Is UV the answer for developing our business?

Overcooked or Overcured; Both Can End with Unfortunate Results
January 4, 2010

The four interdeck lamps and three end of press lamps were all set to 100%. This has not only stripped the sheet of any moisture, it has also overcured the UV coating which caused it to be brittle. The job looked great while it laid flat on the skids but then when folded, the sheets would give.

How Bigger Can Be Better
January 1, 2010

All Out's trademark is "Big, Bold and Fearless." For you see, not only does company founder J.B. Capuano expect his production team to jump through hoops for their customers, he wants those clients to alter the approach they take to creating and disseminating their message.

Time to Shine
January 1, 2010

As we asked printers how they are promoting their UV capabilities, a clear trend emerged. Most are too busy with client work to toot their own horns.

Don’t Limit Yourself to Now, When You Should be Looking at the Future
November 27, 2009

When you start thinking about entering the UV printing market, allow for the growth of your business and future possibilities. Consent to adding some of the extras now and you make the retrofits much more economical and physically possible in the future as your business grows.

UV Provides Cure for Many
November 1, 2009

A strong argument can be made for having a press equipped with in-line UV printing and coating capabilities, and it goes like this: Many of your competitors cannot, or will not, make the leap to UV because of the financial commitment involved.

With UV Equipment, Run What You Brung!
October 23, 2009

Why are there so many UV printers out there that have made the investment and not “Run What They Bought?” Why under utilize what you have spent all of the money on? The answers could be one of or a combination of many things.