Business Management - Productivity/Process Improvement

Transforming a Printing Company Via Benchmarking
April 18, 2012

Could you imagine turning on ESPN and watching a game in which the players and coaches had no idea what the score is? Now how about operating a printing company without metrics to measure if it is successful or not?

Ratio Reports - Just Another ‘Pesky’ System?
April 16, 2012

I have been working with my son Paul on our annual Ratio Reports/Studies for the printing industry. It’s a very tedious process, to say the least. However, I believe it’s a very important exercise for print shop owners and managers.

High Percentage of New Employees Have Low Morale
April 2, 2012

According to a Fox Business Network poll, 36 percent of all new hires said they were not made to understand what was actually expected of them from the outset. A large number of employees are frustrated—even depressed—over their jobs because of the “confusion” in the workplace, and would not recommend their employers to others.

Doubling Down on Price Is a Losing Strategy
March 27, 2012

Don Johnson won a total of $15 million playing Blackjack at three Atlantic City casinos. In the casinos’ desperation to get him in the door, they essentially gave him 50/50 odds. I know an empty press schedule is scary, but like the casinos, we printers need to keep track of the numbers and verify them for ourselves before we, like the casino managers, walk off the cliff like lemmings.

Systems that Really Rock
March 26, 2012

People I meet in my travels as a systems guy are generally shocked to learn I was once an arguably well-known rock ’n’ roll singer, at least regionally. Everything our band did had to be voted on, even where we stopped to eat, what songs to play, who got to sing first, etc.

When Systems Walk Out the Door
March 19, 2012

Michelle told us she’d been summoned to the human resources office and informed of her layoff “effective immediately.” She asked the manager, “How is the company going to service the remaining customers that have relied on me and my department?”

Benchmarking Your Way to Profit Master Status
March 5, 2012

Many small businesses do a pretty good job of producing financial statements, but in my experience, few really use them to the fullest advantage. Often what’s missing are meaningful benchmarks by which to judge financial results.

Fundamentals of the Game
March 5, 2012

The FUNDAMENTALS are the way a business runs/operates from the time it opens in the morning until the time it closes at night. It’s amazing how many companies do NOT take the time to consider these all-important details.

Gut Feeling Isn’t a Reliable Applicant Screening System
February 27, 2012

“Shoot-from-the-hip” job applicant interviews reveal very little of the information that needs to be known up front; information that is usually only found out after the person’s hiring. “I just go with a GUT FEELING, and I normally get it right!”

Family Business or Family Feud?
February 20, 2012

I’ve interacted with many management combinations at family-owned businesses, so I know first-hand the challenges they face. The main one is how to keep from permanently damaging relationships, as family members are in constant contact as they deal with the stresses of the business.