Business Management - Productivity/Process Improvement

Strict Systems vs. ‘Big Brother’ - Part II
November 12, 2012

My book (“System Busters: How to Stop Them in Your Business”) has become required reading in specific departments for some colleges, and I was happy to receive some feedback from a particular professor recently. He asked his students to write a report on their thoughts about the book’s overall message and whether or not they believed it would help them in their future professions.

Escape from the Office to Get Work Done
November 6, 2012

This morning, I watched Jason Freid’s talk, titled “Why work doesn’t happen at work.” Everyone knows about the constant interruptions at work, and the lunacy of running from meeting to meeting without ever getting a chance to accomplish anything.

Strict Systems vs. ‘Big Brother’ - Part I
November 5, 2012

When I pulled the report on all five of the employees in that department, both our jaws dropped. The software report confirmed that the one we “felt” had made the least amount of errors had actually made the most.

Manage Constraints to Realize ‘The Goal’
October 30, 2012

Without sufficient sales at the top of the funnel, you’ll never cover your fixed costs to see black at the bottom. Most people in the industry would say their tightest bottlenecks are their sales organizations, except this time of year when the source shifts to production.

Without Vision Systems, Printers Perish
October 23, 2012

In honor of Oct. 23, which was originally scheduled to be National No-Print Day but turned into Yes Print Day!, Dead Tree Edition offers this update on printing-related technology and what it means for print buyers.—Recent developments in postpress technology underscore the importance of looking beyond price when choosing a printer.

Putting that Great New Idea into Action
October 22, 2012

How many times have you walked out of a seminar or workshop all fired up about the presentation the keynote speaker had just shared? As soon as you arrived back in the office, you called a meeting to share all the new ideas with everyone.

Better to Be Dead or Disabled?
October 15, 2012

Which would you rather be? Which would make your family better off, at least financially better off? With all of the focus on health insurance, it’s easy to forget about disability insurance. Consider these statistics: someone 35 years old has a

Searching for Simplicity: Simple Isn’t Always Easy
October 8, 2012

I have found, over the past 15 years of helping businesses bring order from chaos, that real solutions are SIMPLE, but, for the first year, it’s not always EASY. However, the effort ultimately is rewarding and sustainable, and much easier than dealing with the frustrating and time-consuming complications of chaos.

Success with Crossover Color: Streamlining digital and offset technologies
September 25, 2012

Recognizing that digital printing has become a mainstream technology, offset printers are increasingly adding digital capabilities to their repertoire of offerings. In some shops, short-run jobs are run entirely on digital presses. Some do short-runs on a digital device and a longer runs of the same job on a offset machine. Others combine variable content digital pages with those from an offset press in the same job.

In each case, colors have to match and the overall look and feel of the document must meet customers' requirements with minimal differences. This webinar will discuss how printers are successfully using the best features of both technologies AND managing color across offset and digital presses.
Our expert panelists will share their experiences on such key issues as:

  • Ensuring jobs run on different devices look the same
  • Managing paper selections
  • Setting customer expectations
  • Color management tools and profiles used for success
  • Managing color for logos and other branding requirements

Click here to view this webinar!


Cash Flow Problem? I Don't Think So
September 24, 2012

I have heard many times from business owners that they would have a great operation if they could just solve their “cash flow problems.” Then, when you take a closer look, the problem is really a lack of profitability.