South Beach

MIAMI BEACH, FL—Escape from inclement weather in many parts of the country wasn’t the only thing drawing people to trendy South Beach. The 32nd annual Graphics of the Americas-Xplor (GOA) exhibition, held here March 2-4, also contributed to unoccupied hotel rooms being a scarce commodity. Attendance exceeded the previous year by 4 percent, according to show organizers. And, with close to 500 exhibitors this year, new Printing Association of Florida President and CEO George Ryan reported that onsite exhibit space sales for the 2008 exhibition exceeded the previous year by 60 percent. Several new features were introduced this year. These included the XML/PDF Pavilion, which highlighted

In my December 2003 column, I offered to send you readers "400 Sales Tips for Printing Sales Professionals." I concocted this offer at 3 a.m. on the morning of Attila the Editor's stupid deadline whilst I was stoned on a caffeine high. Coffee is about all I have left now that I'm on this stupid South Beach diet and working out with a personal trainer. So far, my 61-year-old biceps are up to 18˝, I'm begging my neighbors to let me redecorate their homes and I can bench press about twice my IQ. The 400 tips idea was a gratuitous, self-serving act. I

Some New Year's Resolutions for 2004 I'm not the type who normally makes a bunch of promises to myself with the coming of a new year. I know better than to pronounce that I will start exercising more regularly as mid-life begins to take its toll—despite recent purchases of a deluxe weight bench (clothes rack?), fancy running shoes and a jogger-friendly "Walkman" radio. Nor will I be trying out the new South Beach or any other fad diet. I just keep track of my weight by how tight or how loose my pants feel around my waist. When they're snug, I try to lunch

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