Heard you had a good month. That's awesome. Congratulations. In fact, you used a phrase rarely vocalized when you said things were "crazy busy." You are in the zone. Enjoy it. As stressful as it may be, it's temporary. This too shall pass. In fact, I’ve got two questions for you:
- How can you keep it going? And …
- What will you do when it ends?
You see, busy times are profitable times despite the fact that you are going all out, you’ll want to keep it going because as sure as you are having great success now, great nothingness will also happen in equal proportions and when it does, you will be glad that you milked every last drop of opportunity out of the situation. So, you need a plan to keep things going.
- Categories:
- Business Management - Marketing/Sales

Bill Farquharson is a respected industry expert and highly sought after speaker known for his energetic and entertaining presentations. Bill engages his audiences with wit and wisdom earned as a 40-year print sales veteran while teaching new ideas for solving classic sales challenges. Email him at bill@salesvault.pro or call (781) 934-7036. Bill’s two books, The 25 Best Print Sales Tips Ever and Who’s Making Money at Digital/Inkjet Printing…and How? as well as information on his new subscription-based website, The Sales Vault, are available at salesvault.pro.