I met with several business associates and affiliates recently to plan an upcoming Webinar we had titled, "Boss in a Box,” a nickname some had given our software, System100, because it allows companies to operate AS IF the boss/owner has been cloned, so as to oversee every job at once.
We discussed how our software aids businesses; listing its many benefits. We were also seeking anecdotes that would paint just the right picture—real life stories to best describe it. The team wanted to ensure that the people who had signed up for the upcoming Webinar would really “get it.”

Philip Beyer, founder/president of Ebiz Products LLC and founder of Beyer Printing Inc. in Nashville Tenn., is a chronic entrepreneur, business systems analyst and consultant. Author of "System Busters: How to Stop Them in Your Business" and recipient of an InterTech Technology Award for the design and development of System100 business process management software. Beyer speaks to business owners across the country on how to bring lean, sustainable order to their businesses. Contact him at (615) 425-2652.