As the World Series plays itself out, I thought I'd share a tale relatable to the sport of baseball and tangentially bearing on our wonderful, whacky world of printing.
I am coaching my son's "fall ball" baseball team, which is also drawing to a close in the next week or so. My boy, Sean, is not a particularly skilled player, but can occasionally smoke the ball deep into the outfield. Got a quick bat for a slow fella, but can't lay off the high heat. Defensively...ehhh. Sean plays because his dad coaches. He seems happy with that lot in his 12-year-old life. The smart phone, xbox, Wii system, video games in general...this is where his passion lies. He cried the day Steve Jobs died. I'm not kidding. He longs for a tech future. And, that's just the way it is, no matter how much I plea to the heavens for him to take more of an interest in sports.